McGregor Project Services Pty Ltd is an Australian company providing contract project specialised services primarily to the greater commercial construction industry.
McGregor Project Services provides a number of services that are designed to provide you with the all of the information that you need for all facets of commercial construction and civil engineering from both clients side as well as contractor.
McGregor Project Services are suitably flexible and can tailor a package for your individual requirements should you so desire. Either as an on-call rate or ongoing contract.
McGregor Project Services has office facilities in Melbourne and Geelong but has the ability of working both nationally and internationally. Our great strength is the ability to meet you on your terms at your desired location – any time.
It is our objective to provide the most professional and precise specific business aligned services for your Company needs.
We realize that not having an estimator that you can talk to in person can be a little uncomfortable, but we are always available by phone, skype, go-to-meeting; tele-conferencing and if needed we can come to your office or site at your discretion. Additionally; we also recognise that not having an estimator/bid manager in your office can be advantageous financially. Call us when you need us!
Meet our team
All MPS staff have qualifications and experience that allow MPS to provide the professional services that you need to run your business successfully.
Ian McGregor —- Dip.Civil Engineer; Grad. Cert Training/Consultant
Cam McGregor —- Dip. Project Management; Dip. Hort; Dip. Bus.Management; Dip. Civil Construction; OH+S Supervisor Acc.
Daniel Kade —- Bach. Civil Engineering; Bach. Bus. Admin; Masters Commerce
Satya Konreddy —- Bach. Civil Engineering; Bach. Quantity Surveying